Under Global Grant 2119013, named Enhancing the Capacity of Communities to Build Positive Peace Through Communication has become a living organism energized by many Rotarians and Rotaractors throughout Ethiopia, led by the Peace Committee from the Rotary Clubs of Addis Ababa West, Central Mella, and Entoto and the Green Rotaract Concept. Funded with just 32,000 USD, this peace project continues to morph beyond its original scope, fueled by innovation, volunteerism, and frugality. With three major components that work on training youth in partnership with IEP, the Digital Visibility and Communication Project as well as the sustainable environment initiative, this Peace Project is also using the Rotary Fellowships of Badminton and Kites to create innovative environments where fun and fellowship flourishes at grass root levels in all types of cultural, economic, and social environments, including the most disadvantaged. The Peace Court is an empty piece of land in a housing development that is being rehabilitated as a badminton field.