Henry Miller wisely said that “if there is to be any peace, it will come from being, not having”. As such, the youth of this generation have a critical role in building global peace and the reason we have focused on grooming young people to become leaders. Over 660 Rotarians, Rotaractors and other youth participated in the first Institute for Economics and Peace’s Ambassador Peace Program and learned the value of building resilient and strong communities in the face of conflict. In September 2021, the Peace Committee supported the 3-day seminar “Rotaract’s National Consultation on the Role of Youth in Peace Building” hosted by OHCHR & UNESCO & IPSS/AAU, attended by 40 Rotaracts physically and unlimited participants digitally. We finished up our peace education phase by organizing a webinar, “Rotary & the UN – Youth the Missing Peace” with Rotaractors from around the globe, hosted by PDG Shab Elawar (board member for Rotary Action Group for Peace), and moderated by two peace cadres.